Pursuant to broadly worded state statutes, California state agencies have promulgated an enormous body of regulations which are codified in the California Code Regulations (CCRs). These regulations carry the force of law to the extent they do not conflict with any statutes of the state or federal government. The CCR’s consist of 28 sections and contain the regulations of approximately 200 regulatory agencies.
Sections Of California Code Regulations
Title 1. General Provisions
Title 2. Administration
Title 3. Food and Agriculture
Title 4. Business Regulations
Title 5. Education
Title 7. Harbors and Navigation
Title 8. Industrial Relations
Title 9. Rehabilitative and Developmental Services
Title 10. Investment
Title 11. Law
Title 12. Military and Veterans Affairs
Title 13. Motor Vehicles
Title 14. Natural Resources
Title 15. Crime Prevention and Corrections
Title 16. Professional and Vocational Regulations
Title 17. Public Health
Title 18. Public Revenues
Title 19. Public Safety
Title 20. Public Utilities and Energy
Title 21. Public Works
Title 22. Social Security
Title 23. Waters
Title 24. Building Standards Code
Title 25. Housing and Community Development
Title 26. Toxics
Title 27. Environmental Protection
Title 28. Managed Health Care
If you wish to start or operate in California, these complex, voluminous and intricate Rules most likely apply to you.
Mr. Gourde, an Orange County business attorney, has 25 years experience navigating California’s business laws, specifically the California Code of Regulations. He represents a broad range of businesses, including communication companies, manufacturers, professionals, marketers and related suppliers on matters involving Rules, restrictions, advertising compliance, billing practices, and marketing practices, the latter including internet marketing, mobile marketing, direct mail, and advance consent marketing. If you have any questions about regulatory issues, guidelines or disputes due to from the CCR’s, please contact Mr. Gourde at (949) 825-6525.
Here is the link to the California Code Regulations official site: http://www.oal.ca.gov/ccr.htm