Liability is a concern for any individual in a position of responsibility, authority or trust, particularly company directors or officers, brokers in both the real estate and financial industries and those who provide investment advice and financial planning. Claims against such individuals are often made by clients, customers, or shareholders for perceived negligent actions, inadequate work, or poor or questionable advice.
Thomas Gourde, E&O Insurance Attorney California, specializes in navigating around such difficult claims requires a thorough and complete understanding of potential exposure to a claim, the potential damages, the available defenses and regulatory and licensing consequences. During his years of practice, Mr. Gourde has consulted on liability and fiduciary issues with and represented company directors and officers, brokers in both the real estate and financial industries and those who provide investment advice and financial planning.
If you have questions about such claims, either because you want to protect against them or one is pending against you, you can contact Mr. Gourde and he can assist you in a professional and efficient manner while seeking to keep your legal fees as reasonable as possible.
If you have any questions about E&O Liability, director and officer liability or broker liability, please contact Mr. Gourde at (949) 825-6525.