Intellectual property is property developed from one’s mind, imagination, ingenuity, creativity or experimentation. Intellectual Property Rights California is the area of the law that provides for protection of intellectual property and the rights of those who create original works in the state of California. Intellectual property also consists of original plays and novels as well as inventions and company identification marks. The purpose of these laws is to encourage the development of new technologies and inventions while also stimulating the economy.
Protecting Your Intellectual Property
There are three main mechanisms for protecting intellectual property in the United States: copyrights, patents and trademarks. Each mechanism has its unique filing requirement and each is designed to protect a different type of property, i.e. a logo (trademark) as opposed to a computer program (copyright).
For example, trademarks help brand a company. A trademark or service mark includes any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination thereof, used or intended to be used to identify and distinguish the goods or service of one seller or provider from those of others, and to indicate the source of the goods or service. There are several advantages to having a trademark as it provides notice to public of a claim of ownership of the mark.
Areas Of Intellectual Property Rights California
We can help you with any of the following issues:
- Intellectual Property Rights – To protect a new invention, patent rights must be applied. The provision of patent rights is exclusively federally regulated in the US through the US Patent and Trademark Office (OSPTO).
- Trade Secrets
- Trademarks
- Creator Rights
- Contractual Protection of Immaterial Property and Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement (NDA)
Consultant Innovations and Proprietary Rights Assignment Agreement - License Agreements
- Legal Information
It is important for a company to protect itself and that consumers become loyal based on the brand of the company. Consequently, brand loyalty is established through effective logos, slogans and visual elements that help create a connection between the consumer and the product. Mr. Gourde has experience in intellectual property and has the resources and knowledge to protect your trademark. If you have any questions about Intellectual Property, contact Mr. Gourde at (949) 825-6525.